WVIS Home Page > WVIS Support Desk > Knowledgebase

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I have a problem, what should I do?


First, ASK YOUR QUESTION in the search box.  Something ike "My email is not working!"  The program will search the KnowlegeBase to see if someone has asked a similar question and MAY give you an answer that is right for you.  Since this is a new support system for World Visions Internet Services, you probably won't find an answer since there are not many yet!  So...

Second, SUBMIT A TICKET.  Just got to the support home page and click the link (or click here!) to Submit A Ticket and fill out the form.  The more information you give the more likely we will have a really fast answer.

We will usually answer you within one business day.  Thank you for using our Support Desk!

Steve and Richard and staff
World Visions Internet Services, LLC.

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Article details
Article ID: 1
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2011-12-19 08:29:58
Views: 2447
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.7/5.0 (210)

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